

No Email or Acknowledgement Received Since Placing Order

Valuation Service Closed
Our online valuation facility is now closed. However, we hope that the information provided on the site will remain useful, and be of assistance to site visitors.

Why haven't I heard anything from you since placing my valuation order?

Clients occasionally contact us to say they haven't heard from us since placing their valuation order.

This is usually because they have supplied an incorrect email address when ordering their valuation.

If you have not received any emails from us since placing your valuation order, please contact us to confirm your email address so we can send your valuation report to the correct email address.

Emails You Can Expect To Receive From Us After Ordering a Valuation

  1. An email acknowledgement of your order sent immediately after placing the order.
  2. An email with your valuation report attached arriving within our usual time period for supplying a valuation.
  3. A confirmation email informing you that your order has been completed and supplied, which follows the email to which your report is attached.

You should also receive a confirmation email from PayPal about your payment shortly after placing your order.

Frequently Asked Questions