

Art Valuation Geographical Location

Valuation Service Closed
Our online valuation facility is now closed. However, we hope that the information provided on the site will remain useful, and be of assistance to site visitors.

Do you carry out valuations for clients based outside the UK?

Although located in the UK, we are well aware of current global market trends, values and conditions, and carry out valuations for clients anywhere in the world.

In most cases, there will be little or no variation in values from one country to the next. This is especially the case with internationally known artists. Values for lesser known artists, or artists known only in their own countries, may vary more according to location.

When preparing a valuation, consideration will be made of a client's valuation country, and if there are any major location-based valuation issues, these will be noted in the valuation report.

Information about the currency we use for valuations may be found here.

Frequently Asked Questions